IRC (Internet Relay Chat)


To Instantly connect to #CoApp IRC via the web

New!Click HERE to Instantly Connect. You need only pass the CAPTCHA, and you will be chatting with us live.


You'll need the following in order to connect to CoApp IRC channel:
- IRC client - see Comparison of IRC clients on Wikipedia,
- or access to Freenode Webchat (may be useful when you are behind a firewall or proxy).


IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is the main real-time communication channel of the CoApp community.

If you are a user looking for help, a developer willing to help, or anybody who wants to contribute to the CoApp project, feel encouraged to join the CoApp community on IRC. Joining real-time discussions on IRC is the fastest and one of the most effective way to get in touch with developers, users and enthusiasts gathered around the CoApp project.


The CoApp IRC channel can be found on the Freenode network, The main channel is #CoApp (channel names are not case-sensitive).

Once you have connected, follow the steps of the recommended way to set up my IRC nickname in order to become a registered user of Freenode network. Most of IRC clients allow to automatically join selected channels at startup and identify your account afterwards, using your registered nickname and password.


There are a few guidelines we recommend to follow as CoApp channel etiquette while :
- Be respectful.
- Avoid trolling, flame-wars, personal attacks.
- Register your IRC nickname.
- Don't ask if you can ask a question.
- Don't ask "does not work" type of questions.
- Do some research before asking a question. Try to check the CoApp guides first.
- If you attempt to answer someone's question, try to be helpful.
- Don't be put off if no one answers your question. Likely, no one knows the answer.
- Speak English, please.
- Configure your client to use UTF-8 characters encoding.

The #CoApp IRC channel is where People Talk about CoApp.