If you are looking for tutorials on publishing NuGet packages for C/C++ using CoApp's tools, take a look at the Tutorials page

Getting Started with the CoApp PowerShell Tools

Installing CoApp Developer Tools - Step-by-step instructions on installing and running the CoApp developer tools
Consuming CoApp packages - How to find and use the packages.

Detailed CoApp Powershell Tools help

Write-NuGetPackage - Writes out a NuGet native package
Update-CoAppTools - Download and installs an update to the CoApp tools
Publish-NuGetPackage - Uploads a NuGet package to the package repository

New! Show-CoAppToolsVersion - Displays the current version number of the CoApp PowerShell Tools
Soon Set-CodeSignature - Digitally signs a file (replaces signtool)

CoApp File Formats

New! Autopackage script format - Autopackage script files format and documentation
New! Property Sheet Format - usage information that is common to all/most CoApp command line tools
Soon Buildinfo script format - Build automation script files format and documentation

CoApp Powershell CodeSigning Tools (not-yet-ready-for-primetime)

Soon Set-CodeSignature - Digitally sign a file (binary, script or package)
Soon Set-PublicCertificate -
Soon Set-SignatureViaService -

CoApp RESTable Powershell cmdlets (not-yet-ready-for-primetime)

Soon Get-UploadLocation - Get an upload token from an Azure Blob Storage
Soon Add-RestCmdlet - Add A RESTable cmdlet to to the service
Soon Remove-RestCmdlet - Remove A RESTable cmdlet to to the service
Soon -
Soon Start-RestService - Start the RESTable cmdlet service
Soon Stop-RestService - Stops the RESTable cmdlet service

More CoApp Powershell Tools (not-yet-ready-for-primetime)

Soon Copy-ItemEx - Build automation tool
Soon Get-AzureCredentials - Build automation tool
Soon Invoke-Build - Build automation tool

Website/Docpad References

Garrett-Flavored-Markdown Reference