The first CoApp Packages are finally here!

Jul 29 2011 by Garrett Serack @fearthecowboy

After what seems like an eternity and a half to get to this point, I am proud to announce that the first CoApp packages are finally here!

I've started by packaging up the CoApp installer itself as a CoApp package, and you can download that , but it's not really necessary, as CoApp will install itself when you install any CoApp package.

The next package that's ready is the first beta of the CoApp developer tools, this release contains the following tools:

autopackage.exe -- the CoApp packaging tool ... while it's a bit rough around the edges (like most of the tools) it's what I've been using to build packages so far (note: it requires a recent build of WiX to be installed to actually work)

ptk.exe -- the CoApp porting toolkit tool -- we use this to do our shallow forks

dllimport.exe -- a tool for creating C exports from .NET assemblies ... I should really document this :D

quicktool.exe -- a quick little tool for posting source snippets, images and shortening URLs... Again, I should probably document that tool so others could use it.

These tools can be found in the coapp.devtools package.

And finally, because I'm such a big Node.js fan, a CoApp package for node.js 0.5.2